Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Scarlett Johansson Shoots In East Anglia

They are two of the most attractive wire females of Hollywood - but any star-spottershoping to catch an outline of the stripping of pair in East Anglia yesterday could be disappointed.

Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman were with the scenes of stripping of Ely Cathedral for nearest film of February, The Other Boleyn Girl.

The film was based on the competition between Anne and Mary Boleyn while they compete with for affections of the King Henry VIII.

Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman, who play Mary and Anne, had arrived seen at on the ground of cathedral yesterday around 9:30 am at blackened-outside Audi, before stripping started.

But the spectators trying to catch a rupture of the famous actresses due were limited to tightened safety, with bodyguards, which the escort holds the first role of their bottoms of page.

Tracey Harding, chief of tourism for the Council District is of Cambridgeshire, said: “It is really enthralling, the really good glances of installation with capitals upwards on the green.

“We had is used as outside sitting down team-member of the photographers all the day and of the residents hanging around the test to obtain an outline. But the safety was really tight which is comprehensible and is added to quiver. ”

It is not the first time that the cathedral accommodated film of Hollywood holds the first role - Cate Blanchett and Clive Owen were in the city for the stripping of the golden age, a film about the Queen Elizabeth I, one year ago.

This time both holds the first role remained in Suffolk, with the hotel of cabin of Bedford four-to hold the first role in Newmarket.

Michael Allen, an adviser with the Council District is of Cambridgeshire, was observers on the golden age and was invited behind by producers for the other girl of Boleyn - a BBC films the production.

Mr. Allen, who plays the part of a bishop in film, known as being on the whole with Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman was enthralling.

He said: “It is good recreation and they are right like the normal people. ”

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