On the age of 22, Scarlett Johansson already took the direction of Robert Redford, Brian DePalma, Christopher Nolan and Woody Allen.
In her new project, “The Nanny Diaries”, Scarlett Johansson with respect to called Laura Linney and Paul Giamatti of Oscar. The place was in New York City, the film indicates the history of a graduate of 21 year old university who learns which money can and cannot buy when it takes a work like has food-in good children for a couple superb-rich person and their son.
Q: Are you Woody Allen's new muse?
Johansson: We both kind of think that term is so bizarre. You know, it's not like I come bring him inspiration when he's got writer's block at 3 in the morning. We like to work together. It's an easy working relationship and a really nice friendship, so it works out. But I don't know if it goes much further than that.
Q: How did you like working in your hometown?
Johansson: New York is such a great city to shoot in. ... It's been a long time since I've been able to shoot at home and it's just so much fun. It's wonderful to be able to just see your friends after work, to be able to go home and sleep in your own bed. It's just such a pleasure.
Q: Unlike some of your contemporaries, you're not a famous partier and haven't been arrested for drunk driving. How do you stay on track?
Johansson: You know, I think it's not just people in Hollywood ... It's kind of part of just growing up and growing up in the world that we live in today where everything is so available and so fast-paced. It's hard, I think, for a lot of youths to avoid these pitfalls. ... I'm just fortunate enough to never have had that inclination. I guess I attribute that to my parents and friends and the way I was raised.
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