Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Could Scarlet be a drama queen?

Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Reena HammerScarlett’s former “Match Point” costar Jonathan Rhys Meyers revealed to OK magazine that he would never date an actress. He was romantically linked to Scarlett, aside from her was said to have romanced Toni Collette and Rachel Leigh Cook.

The handsome Irish actor avoids dating Hollywood stars because they are all “drama queens.”

“I’m not intimidated by tough women, I’m attracted to them. I wouldn’t date an actress. Too difficult and too competitive. I’m the only actress in my life! They are all drama queens. Let me say, from someone who is a drama queen, they all are. Actors all have different personalities, but they’re all just f***ing actors! I’ve never really made friends with any actors because they are bitter twisted creatures - including me.”

He is currently dating an heiress, Reena Hammer.


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